Gynaecology OncologyOutpatient
Urgent Advice
To discuss an urgent referral or seek urgent advice, please call the Switchboard (need the GP switchboard number) and request to speak with the gynaecology oncology fellow. Alternatively, please contact the Gynaecology Oncology CNC as the fellow may not always be immediately available: 0401008460.
Are you referring to the right service?
- For gynaecological conditions that do not have a confirmed/suspected malignancy please refer to Gynaecology
- For conditions related to Pelvic Mesh refer to Queensland Pelvic Mesh Service
- For conditions relation to Pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence refer to Urogynaecology Services
- Paediatric patients should be referred to General Paediatrics for Gynaecological conditions until the commencement of menstruation, referrals can then be directed to Gynaecology
Out of Scope Services
The following conditions are out of scope for this service:
- Gynaecological conditions that do not have a confirmed/suspected malignancy
Out of Catchment
Gold Coast Health is responsible for providing public health services to the people who reside within its boundaries. Special consideration is made for patients requiring tertiary services or for services that are not provided by their local hospital and health service district. If your patient lives outside the Gold Coast Health catchment area and you wish to refer them to one of our services, please indicate relevant medical or social information that will assist with the processing of your referral.
Patient Must Bring
- Medicare card
- Any concession cards (e.g. Pension, Health Care, DVA, PBS Safety Net, ADF, etc.)
- Current medication list
- Reading glasses, hearing and mobility aids
Send Referrals To
Smart Referrals
Preferred Method About Smart Referrals
Secure Web Transfer
Send to: Gold Coast Health Service District
Internal Referrals
Gynaecology Oncology (E-Blueslips)
Gynaecology Oncology, Gold Coast University Hospital
1 Hospital Boulevard
Southport QLD 4215
Service Availability
If you would like to send a named referral, please address it to the specialist listed above, who will allocate a suitably qualified specialist to see the patient. Alternatively, you can view a full list of our specialists.