Gold Coast HealthPathways
New pathways are being published regularly.
GP Partnerships and Engagement Unit
Over 400 pathways have been localised for Gold Coast HealthPathways. These consist of clinical, referral, service and resource pages, covering a range of specialties including:
- General Practice Support (Find all contact numbers for GCHHS in one spot)
- Delirium
- Carer Stress
- Unintentional Weight Loss in Adults
- Adult Weight Management
- Prostate Cancer - Screening and Diagnosis
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
- Peripheral Arterial Disease
- LGBTQIA+ Overview
- Transgender Medicine Assessment
- Transgender Medicine Advice
- Urinary Incontinence in Women
- First Seizure in Adults
- Epilepsy in Adults
The platform is integrated with GP Smart Referrals, ensuring faster, streamlined management of referrals.
Login to Gold Coast HealthPathways or click "Register Now" to request access from here .