Multiple myeloma


Useful Management Information

  • If any life threatening symptoms present (new hypercalcaemia) or severe or life threatening symptoms present (e.g. spinal cord compression, SVC compression, ureteric compression, airway compromise etc.) – then call the haematologist on call, or send direct to emergency
  • Bone scans are usually negative for the lytic lesions seen in myeloma. Plain film skeletal survey is recommended
  • IgM monoclonal protein is exceedingly rare in myeloma and is more commonly seen in low grade lymphomas

Minimum Referral Criteria

Does your patient meet the minimum referral criteria?
Category 1 (appointment within 30 calendar days)
  • Presence of one is required:
    • Abnormal serum protein electrophoresis
    • Abnormal free light chains (FLC)
    • Bence Jones protein in urine
  • AND if ALL of the following present:
    • Recent onset unexplained anaemia
    • Lytic bone lesions
    • Recent unexplained mild to moderate renal impairment
Category 2 (appointment within 90 calendar days)
  • Presence of one is required:
    • Abnormal serum protein electrophoresis
    • Abnormal free light chains (FLC)
    • Bence Jones protein in urine
  • AND if ALL of the following present:
    • Well, asymptomatic patient
    • Normal FBC and chemistry
    • No history of bone pain or new unexplained back pain

Categorisation depends on subtype and amount of monoclonal protein.

Category 3 (appointment within 365 calendar days)
  • No category 3 criteria

If your patient does not meet the minimum referral criteria

  • Assessment and management information may be found on a range of conditions at HealthPathways
  • If the patient does not meet the criteria for referral but the referring practitioner believes the patient requires specialist review, a clinical override may be requested:
    • Please explain why (e.g. warning signs or symptoms, clinical modifiers, uncertain about diagnosis, etc.)
  • Please note that your referral may not be accepted or may be redirected to another service

Essential Referral Information

  • Past medical history, current medications
  • Previous cancer treatment details
  • FBC, UEC, calcium
  • Serum EPP
  • Free Light Chains (FLC)

Additional Referral Information

  • Random (ie not 24 hour) urine BJP (highly desirable)
Last updated 11 October 2021

Send Referrals To

Smart Referrals

Preferred Method
About Smart Referrals

Secure Web Transfer

Send to: Gold Coast Health Service District

Internal Referrals

Haematology (E-Blueslips)


(07) 5687 4497


Cancer Referrals Centre
Gold Coast University Hospital
1 Hospital Boulevard
Southport QLD 4215


(07) 5687 2708

Related HealthPathways

No directly related pathways found

Service Availability

Dr Rachel Wooldridge
Medical Director Haematology


Gold Coast University Hospital

If you would like to send a named referral, please address it to the specialist listed above, who will allocate a suitably qualified specialist to see the patient. Alternatively, you can view a full list of our specialists.

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