Useful Management Information
- Clinical urgency is the dominant consideration in the prioritisation of a referral for a child currently in out of home care (OOHC), or at risk of entering or leaving OOHC.
- If you have a reason to suspect a child in Queensland is experiencing harm, or is at risk of experiencing harm, you need to contact Child Safety Services
- Statement of intent – the prioritisation of health services for children and young people in the child protection system
Minimum Referral Criteria
Category 1 (appointment within 30 calendar days) |
Category 2 (appointment within 90 calendar days) |
Category 3 (appointment within 365 calendar days) |
If your patient does not meet the minimum referral criteria
Essential Referral Information
- Current height and weight and include date of measurement
- History of pain:
- how long has the child been experiencing recurrent abdominal pain?
- location of the abdominal pain
- Report presence or absence of concerning features
- Recurrent waking from sleep with pain.
- Non midline pain
- Weight loss
- Fevers
- Blood or mucus mixed in stool
- Waking at night to stool
- Clubbing
- Confirmation of out of home care (OOHC) (where appropriate)
Additional Referral Information
Highly desirable information – may change triage category
- Detailed history of pain (including location, severity, onset and timing, aggravating and relieving factors and associated symptoms)
- Past history of abdominal surgery
- History of significant life disruption due to symptoms (emergency presentations, days of school missed in last month, other examples)
- Toileting history - stool frequency, consistency, pain, soiling, presence of blood
- Family history including of bowel diseases (crohns, ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer or inflammatory bowel disease [IBD])
- Details of treatments offered and efficacy
- Abdominal examination findings/perinanal inspection/inguinal herniae/testicular
- Height/weight/head circumference and growth charts with prior measurements if available
Desirable information- Will assist at consultation
- Other past medical history
- Immunisation history
- Developmental history
- Medication history
- Significant psychosocial risk factors (especially parents mental health, family violence, housing and financial stress, Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services involvement)
- Other physical examination findings inclusive of CNS, birth marks or dysmorphology
- Any relevant laboratory results or medical imaging reports, urinalysis result
Investigations to consider if indicated (use clinical judgement)
- FBE with differential ESR U&E LFTs
- Coeliac screen aTTG and total IgA level
- Iron studies
- Urinalysis
- Stool PCR for bacteria and parasites
- Abdominal USS, if clinically indicated
- Faecal calprotectin
Send Referrals To
Smart Referrals
Preferred Method
About Smart Referrals
Secure Web Transfer
Send to: Gold Coast Health Service District
Internal Referrals
Paediatric Medicine (E-Blueslips)
Paediatric Referral Centre
Gold Coast University Hospital
1 Hospital Boulevard
Southport QLD 4215
Service Availability
If you would like to send a named referral, please address it to the specialist listed above, who will allocate a suitably qualified specialist to see the patient. Alternatively, you can view a full list of our specialists.
Child Safety
If you have a reason to suspect a child in Queensland is experiencing harm, or is at risk of experiencing harm, contact Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Services . Please consider if mandatory reporting applies.